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Coffee Fluff (made healthier)


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It was based on this recipe from The Kitchn, but we changed a bit. Instead of cream, we used fat free or sugar free (I do not remember which one) Cool Whip. Except, we forgot to take it out of the freezer so we tried microwaving it. That basically melted it so we tried whisking it. Not much success. So, in the end, we had a semi thick liquid to fold into the jello.

It is not clear how, if at all, successful the jello was. It didn't seem to get to the state described no matter how much we beat it. Whisking by hand worked better because it got lower in the pan.

If I make it again, I would try something different for the cream, or defrosted cool whip. And, I would use splenda in the jello.

Coffee Fluff (From The Kitchn)
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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 180, 2010-08-09_194445